Communicating Through COVID-19

Water cooler talk and in-person meetings are a thing of the past, at least for the time being. Catching up and circulating company news is still important though, especially if you want to keep your employees engaged and feeling confident about your business’s ability...

Top Construction Trends for 2020

Depending on what news sources you follow, you’re likely to have read several trend predictions for 2020. Here is a Top-10 style list, linked back to the original articles. One: Modularization The promise of faster on-site assembly and higher quality has boosted the...

New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

2020 has already arrived and across North America, people are vowing to eat healthier, exercise more, spend less on frivolous purchases, and more on meaningful interactions. This time of year encourages reflection and goal setting, and with that spirit in mind, here...

Excelling at Safety Means Making Mental Health a Priority

Every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide. Count it in your head – one to 40. In the short amount of time that took you, someone on this planet took their own life. It’s a sobering statistic. Last week, October 10, 2019, was World Mental Health Day. Every...